Psychology & Psychiatry

Better a 'no' than no answer at all

After experiencing social exclusion, a minimum of attention suffices to reduce individuals' negative emotions. Even rejection or unkind comments are better for well-being than being ignored by other people. This finding has ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health is intergenerational

The mental health impacts of trauma and emotional distress may extend from parents to their children. Yet a positive history of well-being could also cross generations.

Psychology & Psychiatry

At which age are we happiest?

An evaluation of over 400 samples shows how subjective well-being develops over the course of a lifespan.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologist offers advice on soothing children traumatized by war

A Northwestern University pediatric psychologist—who advises Ukrainian charity workers and therapists about working with that country's traumatized children—shares her expertise regarding how to support children affected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hardship could harm children's language skills

Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are three times more likely to develop difficulties with language than those from more affluent areas, research suggests.

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