
Widely available food in US workplaces: Perk or hazard?

Nearly a quarter of employed adults obtain foods and beverages at work at least once a week, according to a new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published in the Journal of the Academy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Good deeds soothe stress

(HealthDay)—If the constant stream of bad news from around the world gets to you, one psychiatrist suggests that helping others might make you feel better.


What psychiatrists have to say about holiday blues

This time of the year brings a lot of changes to the usual day-to-day life of hundreds of millions of people: The weather is colder, trees are naked, snowy days become plentiful and friendly critters are less visible around ...


Five ways to avoid holiday weight gain

(HealthDay)—It's fun to celebrate the holidays, but week after week of festivities can add up to weight gain if you aren't careful. Pre-planning is key if you don't want to start next year with an even bigger weight loss ...


Is your partner's hearing loss driving you mad?

Having to shout to be heard, constantly repeating yourself and competing over the blare of a too-loud TV... living with someone experiencing hearing loss can be exhausting, frustrating and often dispiriting.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Having a social group will improve your health

It's well established that people who feel socially isolated, or as though they don't belong, have worse mental health than those who feel socially connected. But in a study recently published in the Australian & New Zealand ...

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