
Three tips from a dietitian on managing holiday indulgences

Whether it's work parties, social gatherings or family get-togethers, December joins people for holidays and social events centered around plenty of food and drinks. But overindulging during the holiday season can bring unwelcome ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologist offers advice on soothing children traumatized by war

A Northwestern University pediatric psychologist—who advises Ukrainian charity workers and therapists about working with that country's traumatized children—shares her expertise regarding how to support children affected ...


Q&A: How to support a loved one who has chronic pain

Dear Mayo Clinic: My spouse suffers from chronic pain after a back injury five years ago. The pain affects his ability to work and enjoy day-to-day activities with our family. Seeing him in pain and not knowing how to help ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q and A: Binge-eating disorders

My niece is living in my home while she is attending college. I've invited her to eat meals with our family, but she typically declines, desiring to eat alone in her room. I'm concerned because she often seems to eat a lot ...


Virtual village can empower vulnerable groups of people

New psychosocial stressors and widespread lifestyle changes resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to depression, isolation, and anxiety. Many studies have explored the impact of the pandemic on the general population's ...

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