Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19: Vaccination status polarizes population

People who strongly identify with their COVID vaccine status discriminate more strongly against the respective other group. This is shown by a study conducted by the team led by Luca Henkel, member of the Cluster of Excellence ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research gives new perspectives on social isolation in older age

Social relations are important for people. But this does not mean that solitude is always harmful. On the contrary, research shows that a small minority of older people are alone and that a considerable proportion of them ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why it's difficult for children to understand sarcasm

Sarcasm is simple! Yeah, right. Although sarcasm is widespread, found across languages and in the various ways we communicate, it is not simple. For most children, learning to understand sarcasm is challenging.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling lonely? Turn up the volume!

Sound could be used to combat feelings of loneliness, including during COVID-19-related lockdowns and quarantine, according to new research from James Cook University.

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