
Early experience found critical for language development

We know that poor social and physical environments can harm young children's cognitive and behavioral development, and that development often improves in better environments. Now a new study of children living in institutions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Focus on childhood glaucoma caregivers

Even with more advanced treatments and early intervention, caregivers of young people living with childhood glaucoma face profound challenges with no cure or way to reverse the damage—and always facing the prospect of their ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fire-walking inspires a heart-to-heart

Fire-walkers' heart rates sync with those of onlooking family and friends during the ritualistic walk across the coals, a PNAS study finds.


Neural-digital interface advances raise ethical and social issues

Human-machine interfaces raise important ethical and social issues. These technological innovations have the potential to restore, alter, or enhance cognitive or physical function in humans, but also may exacerbate existing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dominant people can be surprisingly social

In contrast to the lay stereotype, dominant people prove to be avid social learners, just like dominant individuals in the animal kingdom. Neuroscientists from Radboud University show this with a complex decision task published ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity is not only the individual's responsibility

Research based on 5425 citizens' responses to a questionnaire survey has illuminated that obesity causes are linked to various factors in addition to the individual's current socioeconomic circumstances, including childhood ...


Breaking the stress and drug abuse connection

When people undergo stress, some turn to alcohol or other drugs to help them cope. Most of us, certainly, have had the experience of cracking open a beer to relax at the end of a tough day. But in cases of extreme or long-term ...

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