Health informatics

Which voices led medical misinformation in the early stages of COVID?

In the early and thus far most devastating stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists were at a near loss on how to treat the deadly disease. The public was desperate for information. Consequently, two antimalarial drugs—chloroquine ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers successfully treat autism in infants

(Medical Xpress)—Most infants respond to a game of peek-a-boo with smiles at the very least, and, for those who find the activity particularly entertaining, gales of laughter. For infants with autism spectrum disorders ...


Don't underestimate the developing brains of children

Children's brains react in the same way to social feedback as adults' brains. But handling frustration or aggression after being rejected is a different matter, developmental psychologist Michelle Achterberg has discovered. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Better a 'no' than no answer at all

After experiencing social exclusion, a minimum of attention suffices to reduce individuals' negative emotions. Even rejection or unkind comments are better for well-being than being ignored by other people. This finding has ...

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