Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression following a stroke found to impact 1/3 of survivors

According the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, depression is a common experience for stroke survivors. A scientific statement from the Association indicates that about one-third of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Singing found to support stroke rehabilitation

Approximately 40% of stroke survivors experience aphasia, a difficulty with comprehending or producing spoken or written language caused by a cerebrovascular accident. In half of these cases the language impairment still ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Examining the brain circuits governing social decisions

Studies of how the brain processes social behavior are unraveling the complexities of how positive and negative interpersonal interactions may have long-term effects on neural function and memory. The findings were presented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How early fears play a role in future anxiety, depression

A recent imaging study led by a scientist at The University of Texas at Dallas has identified early risk factors linked to children's temperament and a neural process that could foretell whether an individual might develop ...

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