Gerontology & Geriatrics

Daily Internet use is linked to social isolation

New research has found that older adults who go online every day are more likely to be socially isolated than those who use the internet less frequently.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anti-fat attitudes shaped early in life

New findings from New Zealand's University of Otago suggest older toddlers—those aged around 32 months old—are picking up on the anti-fat attitudes of their mothers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists investigate COVID-19's mental toll on teenagers

The COVID-19 crisis has taken a psychological toll on people of all ages, but one group especially affected is teenagers. School closures and enforced social distancing have cut off many teens from major means of psychological ...


LGBT seniors face harder old age, national study finds

Aging and health issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender baby boomers have been largely ignored by services, policies and research. These seniors face higher rates of disability, physical and mental distress ...

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