
Editing disease in South Africa

Gene therapy—there is a long road ahead to mainstream techniques and ensure that the technology is cost-effective.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender bias sways how we perceive competence in faces

Faces that are seen as competent are also perceived as more masculine, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Schadenfreude sheds light on darker side of humanity

Schadenfreude, the sense of pleasure people derive from the misfortune of others, is a familiar feeling to many—perhaps especially during these times of pervasive social media.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Assessments often miss mental health issues for youth on probation

An assessment tool used by many jurisdictions within the juvenile justice system that is intended to help recognize the effects of adversity and trauma in children's lives is not the best means of evaluating mental health ...

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