
Unlearning implicit social biases during sleep

Can we learn to rid ourselves of our implicit biases regarding race and gender? A new Northwestern University study indicates that sleep may hold an important key to success in such efforts.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Diverse neighborhoods may help infants' social learning

Experiencing diverse communities by hearing different languages at the park, on a bus or in the grocery store may make babies more open-minded in their social learning, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The science behind rooting for the home team

Young children often observe society dividing its members—by ethnicity, religion, gender, or even favorite sports team. But a review by a Yale psychologist published August 14 in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences ...


Your genes affect your betting behavior

Investors and gamblers take note: your betting decisions and strategy are determined, in part, by your genes. University of California, Berkeley, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) researchers have shown ...

Autism spectrum disorders

A smartphone app to treat and track autism

Diagnosing autism can take half a day or more of clinical observation, and that's the quick part – often, families wait years just to get to that point. Now, in hopes of speeding things up, Stanford researchers are developing ...

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