
Improving low-income residents' utilization of farmers markets

A pair of studies conducted at LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health found reasons and possible solutions to improve low-income residents' access to fresh, local produce at farmers markets. The first study, published ...


On Twitter, e-cigarette ads spread like secondhand smoke

Are 500 retweets the modern equivalent of "everyone's doing it" when it comes to e-cigarette marketing? While the Food and Drug Administration has proposed a ban on the sales of e-cigarettes to people under 18, as we are ...


Alcohol industry '€œlikes' Facebook

(Medical Xpress)—A University of Queensland study shows Facebook is one of the alcohol industry's key promotional tools, sparking concerns about inadequate regulation of alcohol marketing on social media.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Digital addiction: Is it real or a symptom of other problems?

The morning's topic glowed on a big screen: "Social Media Burn-out." Strange, but the 70 hash-tag junkies who attended the August breakfast for Kansas City's Social Media Club appeared mostly fit and happy. Joking, checking ...

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