Psychology & Psychiatry

Disruption of work relationships adds to mental-health concern

A recent Harvard study highlights how much emotional support we get from workplace relationships, and that it has not only been our jobs that the pandemic has disrupted, but these important informal ties as well.

Autism spectrum disorders

Measuring social networks of young adults with autism

As many have recently discovered, social connections are vital to a person's wellbeing. While social isolation is a core challenge associated with autism, researchers from Drexel University's A.J. Drexel Autism Institute ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens' social media use does not raise risk for depression: study

Contrary to popular wisdom, daily social media use is not a strong or consistent risk factor for depressive symptoms among adolescents, according to a new study by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health researchers. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity linked to social ties in older women, more so than in men

Women who lack social ties have a greater likelihood of being obese, according to new UBC research published today in PLOS One. Men, on the other hand, were less likely to be obese if they lived alone and had a smaller social ...

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