Psychology & Psychiatry

New book explores how we make decisions when faced with uncertainty

For decades, statisticians, economists, philosophers and mathematicians have studied how to make decisions in the face of uncertainty, and typically their analyses have focused on how to use probability theory from mathematics ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Interactive avatar boosts performance of children with ADHD

A new study has shown that an interactive avatar, which gives both instructions and feedback on the attention of the learner, can improve the performance of ADHD children on a complex problem-solving task. Researchers concluded ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How social media altered the good parenting ideal

Social media has altered perceptions of what good parenting is and may play a role in the reduction in the amount of time kids spend just playing, according to a University of Alberta study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parental burnout can lead to harmful outcomes for parent and child

When the daily stress of parenting becomes chronic it can turn into parental burnout, an intense exhaustion that leads parents to feel detached from their children and unsure of their parenting abilities, according to research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is Instagram behavior motivated by a desire to belong?

Does a desire to belong and perceived social support drive a person's frequency of Instagram use? The relationship between these motivating factors as predictors of Instagram use are published in a new study in Cyberpsychology, ...

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