
Modern medicine infected by the virus of mistrust

A rising tide of suspicion amplified by social networks has eroded public trust in modern medicine, leaving scientists and health officials scrambling for ways to shore up its credibility, experts say.


Festive season accentuates isolation of dying older people

Older people lack support from their communities towards the end of their lives, with many becoming progressively more socially isolated before their death. Both older people and their families and whānau require support ...


How teens learn about others

Despite their intense interest in other people, adolescents are slower to learn about the preferences of their peers than adults, according to results from a new approach to studying social development published in Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How social networking keeps people healthy

Have you ever wanted to tell someone about a tough day at work or scary medical news, but felt nervous about calling a friend to share what's going on?


Expert discusses how the opioid epidemic spreads

The sale of prescription opioids has risen sharply since 1999, and the number of fatal drug overdoses attributed to the drugs has more than quadrupled. We asked Yale SOM's Marissa King, an expert in social networks who has ...


Study finds recreational drug users not what we think

A James Cook University researcher has been investigating why Australians are among the top users of illegal drugs in the world – and has uncovered some revealing new facts about the motivations of recreational drug users.

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