Psychology & Psychiatry

'Hangxiety' higher in shy people

Very shy people are more likely to suffer "hangxiety" – anxiety during a hangover – than their extrovert friends, new research shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Discrimination associated with mental health woes in black teens

The vast majority of African-American and Afro-Caribbean youth face racial discrimination, and these experiences are associated with an increased risk of mental health problems, according to a study to be presented Saturday, ...


Beyond childhood: Picky eating in college students

Looking beyond the picky eating of childhood, researchers looked at this behavior in college students. Self-identified picky eaters ate significantly less fiber and vegetables and reported greater levels of social phobia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social phobia amid COVID-19 pandemic? You're not alone

The trend of increased social phobia in the modern era, especially among youth, has become a topic that researchers have been pursuing and tackling in the long term. Simultaneously, almost three years after the outbreak of ...

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