Psychology & Psychiatry

We're emotionally distant and that's just fine by me

When it comes to having a lasting and fulfilling relationship, common wisdom says that feeling close to your romantic partner is paramount. But a new study finds that it's not how close you feel that matters most, it's whether ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Singles feel singled out

(Medical Xpress)—Why is a wonderful person like you still single? Research from the University of Exeter has revealed that single people feel worse about being single when they think about themselves as the odd ones out.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The skills that make us a good partner make us a good parent

Being a good partner may make you a better parent, according to a new study. The same set of skills that we tap to be caring toward our partners is what we use to nurture our children, researchers found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Effective negotiation: Study finds flirting can pay off for women

When Madeleine Albright became the first female U.S. Secretary of State, she led high-level negotiations between mostly male foreign government leaders. In 2009, comedian Bill Maher asked Albright if she ever flirted on the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Love knows no gender difference

(HealthDay) -- Think married men and women show their love in vastly different ways? Not necessarily.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pride and prejudice: Pride impacts racism and homophobia

A new University of British Columbia study finds that the way individuals experience the universal emotion of pride directly impacts how racist and homophobic their attitudes toward other people are.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Denying mental qualities to animals in order to eat them

(Medical Xpress) -- New research by Dr Brock Bastian from UQ's School of Psychology highlights the psychological processes that people engage in to reduce their discomfort over eating meat.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men and women cooperate equally for the common good

Stereotypes suggest women are more cooperative than men, but an analysis of 50 years of research shows that men are equally cooperative, particularly in situations involving a dilemma that pits the interests of an individual ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Habit makes bad food too easy to swallow

Do you always get popcorn at the movies? Or snack while you're on the couch watching television? A new paper by USC researchers reveals why bad eating habits persist even when the food we're eating doesn't taste good. The ...

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