Psychology & Psychiatry

The skills that make us a good partner make us a good parent

Being a good partner may make you a better parent, according to a new study. The same set of skills that we tap to be caring toward our partners is what we use to nurture our children, researchers found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Jealousy can drive us to view ourselves more like our rivals

If you see your partner flirt with someone else, you may feel hurt, angry, and jealous. The last thing you might expect is to start thinking of yourself more like your rival. New research suggests just that: that jealousy ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We all want high social status: study

Not everyone may care about having an impressive job title or a big, fancy house but all human beings desire a high level of social status, according to a newly published study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

We're emotionally distant and that's just fine by me

When it comes to having a lasting and fulfilling relationship, common wisdom says that feeling close to your romantic partner is paramount. But a new study finds that it's not how close you feel that matters most, it's whether ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Living through a tornado does not shake optimism

Even in the face of a disaster, we remain optimistic about our chances of injury compared to others, according to a new study. Residents of a town struck by a tornado thought their risk of injury from a future tornado was ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Public support can influence soldiers' mental health, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—Can events like Red Fridays, Tickets for Troops and the yellow ribbon campaign reduce the chances of Canadian soldiers experiencing combat-related stress disorders? The authors of a new study from the University ...

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