Health informatics

A review of mobile sensing in the COVID-19 era

Mobile sensing has shown its power in the pervasive and effective monitoring of COVID-19 in varying population scales and time duration, according to a study published in Health Data Science.


New insights on childhood glaucoma

Children and adolescents living with glaucoma develop a high level of emotional and social resilience to cope with this rare chronic eye condition, a new Flinders University study reveals.


Poor eyesight unfairly mistaken for brain decline

Millions of older people with poor vision are at risk of being misdiagnosed with mild cognitive impairments, according to a new study by the University of South Australia.


Sick patients may get cosmetic surgery to look healthier

Patients dealing with serious illnesses may want cosmetic procedures to make them look healthier, reports a small new Northwestern Medicine study. The patients believe cosmetic surgery may help them feel better in social ...

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