Psychology & Psychiatry

Talking with a friend can ease the sting of being left out

Small, simple forms of social connection—such as a conversation with a friend, or even just looking forward to one—can lessen the negative feelings and thoughts that come with being socially excluded, according to a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds link between cortisol and social support in couples

Couples feel more understood and cared for when their partners show positive support skills—and it's evidenced by levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body—according to new research from Binghamton University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the psychology of what lies behind irrational opinions

Most people, at one time or another, act foolishly. However, truly ignorant individuals exhibit a lack of introspection and stubbornly cling to their opinions, regardless of how irrational they may be. These people demonstrate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stressed parents could mean more self-harm by kids

Teens have a higher risk of self-injury—deliberately cutting or burning themselves—if they have a fraught relationship with a struggling parent, a new study shows.

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