Overweight & Obesity

Obesity linked to social ties in older women, more so than in men

Women who lack social ties have a greater likelihood of being obese, according to new UBC research published today in PLOS One. Men, on the other hand, were less likely to be obese if they lived alone and had a smaller social ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Report identifies three dimensions to lifelong 'longevity fitness'

Perseverance and attention to social connections, health, and finances will give people the best chance to thrive as they age, according to a new report titled "Longevity Fitness: Financial and Health Dimensions Across the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How social ties make us resilient to trauma

The May 22 suicide bombing at a concert in Manchester, England has claimed at least 22 lives. Once again we find ourselves mourning the loss of innocents and wondering how our societies can find normalcy in a world of suicide ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social ties matter beyond bushfires

In the first major release of findings from the Beyond Bushfires study of the aftermath of the Black Saturday bushfires, researchers from the University of Melbourne have been able to show the social element of disasters.

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