
Volume of grey matter may predict degree of altruism

What makes a person altruistic? Philosophers throughout the ages often pondered the question but failed to get concrete answers. New research from the University of Zurich in Switzerland shows that the answer may lie in our ...


Can facial plastic surgery make you more likeable?

Facial plastic surgery may do more than make you look youthful. It could change—for the better—how people perceive you. The first study of its kind to examine perception after plastic surgery finds that women who have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

US regions exhibit distinct personalities, research reveals

Americans with similar temperaments are so likely to live in the same areas that a map of the country can be divided into regions with distinct personalities, according to new research published by the American Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is there such thing as an addictive personality?

Most of us know somebody who tends to get over involved in certain behaviors, and the saying often goes that they must have an "addictive personality." But is there such a thing?

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