Psychology & Psychiatry

The transmission of fear between individuals can be counteracted

The social transmission of fear, which can cause the development of phobias, can be prevented, according to a new study from Karolinska Institutet. The study, which is published in The Journal of Experimental Psychology: ...


Researcher to study genetic and social aspects of HIV clusters

Kayo Fujimoto, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health, has been awarded a grant ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stigma hampering cervical cancer battle in India

Social stigma is harming attempts to combat cervical cancer in India where more women die annually of the disease than anywhere else in the world, a new report said Friday.

Medical research

Regaining proper hearing at last

Around 17 million people in Germany suffer from impaired hearing. For many of them, their hearing is so damaged that a standard hearing aid is no longer enough. A new device will improve patients' hearing and can be implanted ...

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