Psychology & Psychiatry

'Kawaii' power sharpens worker focus, says Japanese study

(Medical Xpress)—Office workers who wonder why there are so many new framed pictures of piglets, calves, and puppies in the employee lunch room may learn their boss has read about research coming from Japan. Hiroshima University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Positive emotion skills combat burnout among health care workers

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated already rising rates of burnout among American health care workers. A new Northwestern University study found learning and practicing skills that increase positive emotion like gratitude, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scents might help depressed individuals, new study says

Smelling a familiar scent can help depressed individuals recall specific autobiographical memories and potentially assist in their recovery, discovered a team of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

No magic number for time it takes to form habits, finds new study

Putting on your workout clothes and getting to the gym can feel like a slog at first. Eventually, you might get in the habit of going to the gym and readily pop over to your Zumba class or for a run on the treadmill. A new ...


How many free hot drinks and biscuits are excessive?

When free hot drinks and biscuits are on offer to health care staff, how much is reasonable to take before it's deemed "excessive" consumption, ask researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ?

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