Gerontology & Geriatrics

Social isolation can be deadly for older adults

Socially isolated older adults who enter intensive care units (ICUs) are more likely to die and are at increased risk of disability after discharge compared with those who are more connected to family and friends, a new Yale ...


New work schedule could cure your 'social jetlag'

Many of us are walking around all the time in a fog caused by "social jetlag." That's what happens when we lose sleep because our daily schedules don't match our bodies' natural rhythms. The condition can be a particular ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sex hormones impact career choices

(Medical Xpress) -- Teacher, pilot, nurse or engineer? Sex hormones strongly influence people's interests, which affect the kinds of occupations they choose, according to psychologists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we share stories, news, and information with others?

(Medical Xpress) -- People often share stories, news, and information with the people around them. We forward online articles to our friends, share stories with our co-workers at the water cooler, and pass along rumors to ...

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