
Heart cells cozy up to prevent deadly arrhythmias

Blood may seem like a simple fluid, but its chemistry is complex. When too much potassium, for instance, accumulates in the bloodstream, patients may experience deadly irregular heart rhythms.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The enzyme that could help 700 million people worldwide

University of South Australia researchers have identified an enzyme that may help to curb chronic kidney disease, which affects approximately 700 million people worldwide.


Q&A: Congestive heart failure and diet

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My doctor told me that I have congestive heart failure and I have to change my lifestyle, including my diet. What kind of diet should I be on?


Lower your sodium, and blood pressure will follow

Reducing sodium intake by any amount can lower blood pressure over the long term—and may benefit everyone, including people with normal blood pressure, new research shows.

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