Psychology & Psychiatry

Soldiers who kill in combat less likely to abuse alcohol

It's no secret that combat experiences are highly stressful and can contribute to instances of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among soldiers post-deployment. It also comes as no surprise that many soldiers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Justifying wartime atrocities alters memories

Stories about wartime atrocities and torture methods, like waterboarding and beatings, often include justifications – despite whether the rationale is legitimate.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatric ills widespread among US soldiers, studies say

(HealthDay)—Three new studies suggest that a sizeable percentage of American soldiers suffer from some type of mental health issue, at rates higher than those seen in the general population.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are there atheists in foxholes? Study says they're the minority

Ernie Pyle – an iconic war correspondent in World War II – reportedly said "There are no atheists in foxholes." A new joint study between two brothers at Cornell and Virginia Wesleyan found that only part of this is true.

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