
Why you should feed both a cold and a fever

Respiratory viruses like rhinovirus (the cause of the common cold), flu and SARS-CoV-2 make the rounds during the winter season, and many people claim to have a remedy to help illness pass quicker. But how much merit do these ...

Radiology & Imaging

New AI tool accurately detects COVID-19 from chest X-rays

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can rapidly detect COVID-19 from chest X-rays with more than 98% accuracy. The study results have just been published in Scientific Reports.


Clinical trial investigates new oral treatment for COVID-19

An exploratory clinical trial (SIGMA4COVID) through a collaboration between Catalonia and Galicia, the results of which are published in the Journal of Infection, suggests the usefulness of a drug, E-52862, for the treatment ...


WHO says misuse of antibiotics undermining efficacy

Misuse of antibiotics is denting their efficacy and spawning resistant bacteria which could be responsible for 10 million deaths worldwide by 2050, the World Health Organization warned Thursday.

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