Parkinson's & Movement disorders

'E-nose' could someday diagnose Parkinson's disease by 'smelling' skin

A couple of years ago, a woman named Joy Milne made headlines when scientists discovered that she could "smell" Parkinson's disease (PD) on people with the neurodegenerative disorder. Since then, researchers have been trying ...


Switching brain circuits on and off without surgery

In the maze of our brains, there are various pathways by which neural signals travel. These pathways can go awry in patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders, such as epilepsy, Parkinson's, and obsessive-compulsive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Attacking metastatic breast cancer with sound

Drugs can be safely delivered to cancerous lymph nodes via the lymphatic system and then released inside the nodes using sound waves. Tohoku University researchers tested the treatment on mice with metastatic breast cancer ...

Radiology & Imaging

This bizarre looking helmet can create better brain scans

It may look like a bizarre bike helmet, or a piece of equipment found in Doc Brown's lab in Back to the Future, yet this gadget made of plastic and copper wire is a technological breakthrough with the potential to revolutionize ...

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