
Microgravity changes brain connectivity

An international team of Russian and Belgian researchers, including scientists from HSE University, has found out that space travel has a significant impact on the brain: they discovered that cosmonauts demonstrate changes ...


Frozen sperm retains its viability in outer space conditions

Zillionaires like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos who see the 'colonisation' of space as an answer to the Earth's ever threatened resources will be reassured to learn that human sperm retains its complete viability within the different ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we won't get to Mars without teamwork

If humanity hopes to make it to Mars anytime soon, we need to understand not just technology, but the psychological dynamic of a small group of astronauts trapped in a confined space for months with no escape, according to ...

Medical research

Simulated Mars mission reveals body's sodium rhythms

Clinical pharmacologist Jens Titze, M.D., knew he had a one-of-a-kind scientific opportunity: the Russians were going to simulate a flight to Mars, and he was invited to study the participating cosmonauts.

Medical research

Measuring skull pressure without the headache

Space research has developed a new way of measuring the pressure inside your skull using simple sound waves from headphones. The device is an effective early-warning system for patients recovering from head injury or brain ...

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