Psychology & Psychiatry

Time estimation ability predicts mathematical intelligence

Being good at estimating time can be a useful skill on its own, but it may also indicate higher mathematical intelligence as well, according to a new study published in the Dec. 7 issue of the online journal PLoS ONE.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality improves game-based navigational efficiency

Individuals playing a virtual reality (VR)-based game showed a higher navigational efficiency and less disorientation than those playing a non-VR immersive desktop version, according to a study in the peer-reviewed journal ...


Spatial training boosts math skills

(Medical Xpress)—Training young children in spatial reasoning can improve their math performance, according to a groundbreaking study from Michigan State University education scholars.


Scientists devise unique stroke assessment tool

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have devised a unique screening instrument that provides a 'one-stop' brain function profile of patients who have suffered stroke or other neurological damage.

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