Psychology & Psychiatry

How do we learn to learn? New research offers an education

Cognitive training designed to focus on what's important while ignoring distractions can enhance the brain's information processing, enabling the ability to "learn to learn," finds a new study on mice.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality improves game-based navigational efficiency

Individuals playing a virtual reality (VR)-based game showed a higher navigational efficiency and less disorientation than those playing a non-VR immersive desktop version, according to a study in the peer-reviewed journal ...


Researchers uncover new insights into Alzheimer's disease

A new study by Florida State University researchers may help answer some of the most perplexing questions surrounding Alzheimer's disease, an incurable and progressive illness affecting millions of families around the globe.


Study finds hub linking movement and motivation in the brain

Our everyday lives rely on planned movement through the environment to achieve goals. A new study by MIT neuroscientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory identifies a well-connected brain region as a crucial ...


How the brain remembers where you're going

Researchers have made new discoveries about how certain brainwaves aid navigation. They hope that the methods may benefit patients suffering from neurodegenerative disorders one day.


Study examines how high altitude affects memory

Oxygen is essential for maintaining normal human brain function, and living at high altitudes can lead to deficits in cognition such as attention and memory.

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