
Sensory perception is not superficial brain work

If we cross a road with our smartphone in view, a car horn or engine noise will startle us. In everyday life we can easily combine information from different senses and shift our attention from one sensory input to another—for ...


How can ultrasonic brain stimulation cure brain diseases?

Just as rays of sunlight can be focused by a magnifying glass, beams of ultrasound can be focused—not to start a fire, but to converge on a specific target. The pulses of ultrasound are able to pass through obstructions ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new picture of dengue's growing threat

Research published today in Nature Microbiology paints a startling new picture of where dengue, the world's fastest-growing mosquito-borne virus, will spread to put more than 6 billion people at risk toward the end of the ...


Tracking the flow of thoughts using ultrafast ultrasound

Researchers of the laboratory Physics for Medicine Paris laboratory and collaborators have achieved a major advance by studying the brain during complex cognitive tasks. Using a new imaging method called functional ultrasound ...


How manganese produces a parkinsonian syndrome

Using X-ray fluorescence at synchrotrons DESY and ESRF, researchers in the Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CNRS/Université de Bordeaux) have demonstrated the consequences of a mutation responsible for ...

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