Radiology & Imaging

MRI innovation reveals cells' energy activity in organs and tissues

To survive, every cell in the body puts enormous energy into sustaining the right balance of water and essential electrolytes. Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have developed a way to use magnetic resonance ...


New gene identified in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

Researchers from the group of Eva van Rooij at the Hubrecht Institute have used advanced sequencing technology to better understand the heart disease arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, in which heart muscle tissue is replaced ...


Capturing cortical connectivity close-up

The brain is made up of a complex series of networks—signals are constantly bouncing between those networks to allow us to experience the world and move through it effectively.


Tiny implantable tool for light-sheet imaging of brain activity

Tools that allow neuroscientists to record and quantify functional activity within the living brain are in great demand. Traditionally, researchers have used techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, but this ...


How manganese produces a parkinsonian syndrome

Using X-ray fluorescence at synchrotrons DESY and ESRF, researchers in the Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CNRS/Université de Bordeaux) have demonstrated the consequences of a mutation responsible for ...

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