
Spanish-speaking stroke survivors face more obstacles

Stroke survivors who speak Spanish are more likely to have low stroke literacy and a negative perception of their health care, according to a new study that called for breaking down language barriers.


Public opinion of drugs effectiveness may be too biased

People asked by experts to comment on the effectiveness of new psychiatric drug treatments appear to be unfairly biased even though they declare a conflict of interest, suggests research published online in the journal BMJ ...


Speech-disrupting brain disease reflects patients' native tongue

English and Italian speakers with dementia-related language impairment experience distinct kinds of speech and reading difficulties based on features of their native languages, according to new research by scientists at the ...


How meaning is represented in the human brain

Representations reflecting non-linguistic experience have been detected in brain activity during reading in study of healthy, native English speakers published in JNeurosci. The research brings us one step closer to a more ...

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