Medical research

The taste for specialty foods is in our genes, study shows

The reasons why people love certain foods and turn their noses up at others, has to do with more than their cultures or even their taste buds… their genes play a significant role too, a new study reveals.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Eating a plant rich diet reduces risk of developing COVID-19

A recent study, published in Gut, by researchers from King's and Harvard Medical School, examines data from nearly 600,000 ZOE COVID Study app contributors. Participants completed a survey about the food they ate during Feb ...

Overweight & Obesity

What food cravings tell us about the quality of our diets

Do you dream of ice cream in a Zoom meeting or reach for potato chips as you check the latest COVID-19 stats? You may be experiencing something deeper than a whim, according to a team of scientists at the Human Nutrition ...


To reap heart benefits of a plant-based diet, avoid junk food

Plant-based diets are becoming more popular in many areas of the world, but the health benefits of this dietary pattern may depend largely on the specific foods consumed. A new study being presented at the American College ...


The skinny on why poor sleep may increase heart risk in women

Women who sleep poorly tend to overeat and consume a lower-quality diet, according to a new study from researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The findings provide new insight into how poor sleep quality ...

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