Psychology & Psychiatry

Using deep learning to detect depression from speech

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have achieved promising results on numerous tasks and could soon assist professionals in various settings. In recent years, computer scientists have been exploring the potential of these ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Whether our speech is fast or slow, we say about the same

The purpose of speech is communication, not speed—so perhaps some new research findings, while counterintuitive, should come as no surprise. Whether we speak quickly or slowly, the new study suggests, we end up conveying ...

Medical research

Studying COVID-19 spread during short conversations

When a person sneezes or coughs, they can potentially transmit droplets carrying viruses like SARS-CoV-2 to others in their vicinity. Does talking to an infected person also carry an increased risk of infection? How do speech ...


Music intensifies effects of anti-hypertensive medication

Researchers report that listening to music significantly enhances the effect of anti-hypertensive drugs. According to a study conducted by researchers on of São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil and international ...