
New discovery on how the inner ear works

Researchers have found that the parts of the inner ear that process sounds such as speech and music seem to work differently than other parts of the inner ear. Researchers from Linköping University are part of the team behind ...


Video: Social interactions and the brain

Many animals, from insects to humans, are social. Their brains have evolved to be sensitive to sensory cues that carry social information, such as: speech sounds, pheromones and visual cues. But very little is known about ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies need free tongue movement to decipher speech sounds

Inhibiting infants' tongue movements impedes their ability to distinguish between speech sounds, researchers with the University of British Columbia have found. The study is the first to discover a direct link between infants' ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

From sounds to the meaning

Without understanding the "referential function" of language (words as "verbal labels," symbolizing other things), it is impossible to learn a language. Is this implicit knowledge already present early in infants? A study ...

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