
Drinking is not working

Researchers from South Korea and the USA have investigated whether or not there is a relation between alcohol consumption and unemployment. The team examined data covering the period 1994-2013 and found that alcohol habits ...


Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion

Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for all" plan would boost government health spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, requiring historic tax hikes, says a study released Monday by a university-based libertarian policy center.


1996 to 2013 saw large increase in diabetes spending

(HealthDay)—In 2013, $101 billion was spent in the United States on diabetes, almost a three-fold increase since 1996, according to a study published in the July issue of Diabetes Care.


Trustees report warns Medicare finances worsening

Medicare will run out of money sooner than expected, and Social Security's financial problems can't be ignored either, the government said Tuesday in a sobering checkup on programs vital to the middle class.

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