
Does genome sequencing increase downstream costs?

As genome sequencing enters the clinic, fears have arisen about its potential to motivate follow-up testing and ongoing screening that could drastically increase health care spending. But few studies have quantified the downstream ...


Why millennials should care about Medicare right now

Medicare provides basic health care to one out of six Americans, most of them 65 and older. Even people decades away from retirement, though, should be concerned about Congress meddling with the program.


Electronic health records don't reduce administrative costs

The federal government thought that adopting certified electronic health record systems (EHR) would reduce administrative costs for physicians in a variety of specialties. However, a major new study conducted by researchers ...


Spending more on health care? Here's why

(HealthDay)—Americans spent more on health care in 2016, even though their use of health care did not increase, and rising costs are the reason why, a new report shows.

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