
Health care system of the future modelled

What will our health care system look like in the future? The MEDPRO project of the Austrian Science Fund FWF seeks to deliver answers to this pertinent question. The project is analysing the interrelationship between medical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reform model not yet helping people with mental illness

People who are diagnosed with mental health conditions did not see improvements in coordination and quality of care as hoped but did not experience large cuts in access as some had feared under an early alternative payment ...


2014 US health spending grew at fastest rate of Obama years

U.S. health care spending last year grew at the fastest pace since President Barack Obama took office, driven by expanded coverage under his namesake law and by zooming prescription drug costs, the government said Wednesday.


Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous

Every day, we are confronted with choices about how to spend our money. Whether it's thinking about picking up the tab at a group lunch or when a charity calls asking for a donation, we are faced with the decision to behave ...


Medicare spending $9B on hepatitis C drugs

Medicare spending on breakthrough medications for hepatitis C will nearly double this year, passing $9 billion, according to new government figures. That's raising insurance costs for all beneficiaries, whether or not they ...

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