
Do men need sperm health supplements?

Infertility, defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after at least 12 months of regular, unprotected sex, affects about 15% of couples worldwide. Several factors can lead to infertility, but specific to men, infertility ...

Medical research

Using a smartphone to screen for male infertility

More than 45 million couples worldwide grapple with infertility, but current standard methods for diagnosing male infertility can be expensive, labor-intensive and require testing in a clinical setting. Cultural and social ...

Medical research

Researchers find no evidence that sperm counts are dropping

The widely held view that sperm counts in men are dropping around the world may be wrong, according to a new study by University of Manchester, Queen's University in Kingston, Canada and Cryos International, Denmark.


Moderate alcohol consumption may boost male fertility

The question of whether alcohol intake affects male reproductive function is controversial. In a new Andrology study, moderate alcohol intake was linked with higher semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count.

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