
Donor conception risks exposed in world-first study

Adults conceived through sperm donation reported higher frequencies of allergies, type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune conditions in a world-first study that examined the long term health outcomes of donor-conceived people.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Only 21% of women who use their frozen eggs become mothers

As the trend for older motherhood continues, amid warnings from experts about the sharp decline in a woman's fertility in her mid-30s, more and more women are considering egg freezing as a form of "insurance" against age-related ...


Meet the men who donate sperm on Facebook

George (not his real name) is 24 and single. In the past four years, he has helped three couples get pregnant. The first couple had two sons. The second couple had a girl. And the third couple just found out they are expecting. ...


Online sperm donors more agreeable: study

As prospective parents increasingly seek sperm donors online, an international study has analysed what sort of men are donating sperm in this informal setting as opposed to a traditional clinic. And it seems a key characteristic ...


What motivates men to donate sperm online?

A world-first QUT study into online sperm donor behaviour has revealed the importance men place on their family, friends and the risks associated with donation, has little impact on their motivation or psychology when choosing ...

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