
Online sperm donors more agreeable: study

As prospective parents increasingly seek sperm donors online, an international study has analysed what sort of men are donating sperm in this informal setting as opposed to a traditional clinic. And it seems a key characteristic ...


Q&A: Understanding carrier screening for family planning

Dear Mayo Clinic: My husband and I want to expand our family and are trying to get pregnant with our first baby. I've read about family planning couples can do before conceiving and learned about carrier screening. We don't ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Older sperm donors reduce pregnancy success

The increasing amount of sperm donors over the age of 45 years appears to be adversely affecting the clinical pregnancy success rates of women undergoing donor insemination (DI).


3 Canadian families sue US sperm bank over sperm donor

Three Ontario families are suing a U.S.-based sperm bank and its Canadian distributor, alleging they were misled about a donor's medical and social history, which included a criminal record and significant mental illness.

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