Medical research

Sperm quality study updates advice for couples trying to conceive

Could doctors at fertility clinics be giving men bad advice? Dr. Da Li and Dr. XiuXia Wang, who are clinician-researchers at the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shengjing Hospital in Shenyang in northeast China, think ...


Do men need sperm health supplements?

Infertility, defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after at least 12 months of regular, unprotected sex, affects about 15% of couples worldwide. Several factors can lead to infertility, but specific to men, infertility ...


Lower sperm motility in men exposed to common chemical

Men with higher exposure to the substance DEHP, a so-called phthalate, have lower sperm motility and may therefore experience more difficulties conceiving children, according to a Lund University study.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Are some sex lubricants really 'sperm-friendly'?

Lubricants are used by couples during sexual intercourse for numerous reasons, and several lubricants are promoted as "sperm-friendly," suggesting that they do not negatively affect sperm motility. Results from a study published ...

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