
Sperm count 50% lower in sons of fathers who smoke

Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the ...


Meet the men who donate sperm on Facebook

George (not his real name) is 24 and single. In the past four years, he has helped three couples get pregnant. The first couple had two sons. The second couple had a girl. And the third couple just found out they are expecting. ...


Online sperm donors more agreeable: study

As prospective parents increasingly seek sperm donors online, an international study has analysed what sort of men are donating sperm in this informal setting as opposed to a traditional clinic. And it seems a key characteristic ...


Could bariatric surgery make men more virile?

Men who have undergone bariatric surgery as a long-term way of losing weight might also benefit from increased testosterone levels post-surgery. However, there is no evidence that the sperm quality of a patient improves. ...


New test measures men's fertility

At a time when more than half of male infertility cannot be explained by current methods, a new test developed by Androvia LifeSciences is able to measure male fertility. The proprietary Cap-Score Male Fertility Assay is ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New information for women faced with infertility

A new Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research study offers infertile women new information regarding their expected probabilities of becoming pregnant and may help them select the optimal treatment based on their various ...

Medical research

Sperm quality study updates advice for couples trying to conceive

Could doctors at fertility clinics be giving men bad advice? Dr. Da Li and Dr. XiuXia Wang, who are clinician-researchers at the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shengjing Hospital in Shenyang in northeast China, think ...

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