Obstetrics & gynaecology

Fertility treatments could get a boost from stem cells

An unexpectedly versatile and regenerative stem cell in early embryos may be key to creating new effective fertility treatments, suggests a new study in mice from the University of Copenhagen.


Online sperm donors more agreeable: study

As prospective parents increasingly seek sperm donors online, an international study has analysed what sort of men are donating sperm in this informal setting as opposed to a traditional clinic. And it seems a key characteristic ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Frozen sperm just as effective as fresh for insemination treatments

Patients having intrauterine insemination for fertility treatment can be reassured that the use of cryopreserved sperm instead of fresh is not associated with inferior outcomes. The largest study of its kind, whose results ...


Q&A: Understanding carrier screening for family planning

Dear Mayo Clinic: My husband and I want to expand our family and are trying to get pregnant with our first baby. I've read about family planning couples can do before conceiving and learned about carrier screening. We don't ...

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