Obstetrics & gynaecology

Only 21% of women who use their frozen eggs become mothers

As the trend for older motherhood continues, amid warnings from experts about the sharp decline in a woman's fertility in her mid-30s, more and more women are considering egg freezing as a form of "insurance" against age-related ...


Poor semen quality in Switzerland

Over the last 50 years, a marked decrease in sperm count has been observed in the western world. But what about the situation in Switzerland? Up until now, no study had evaluated the reproductive health of Swiss young men. ...


Sperm DNA damage may contribute to repeat miscarriages

Some cases of recurrent pregnancy loss may be caused by sperm DNA damage in the male partner, rather than by a problem in affected women, according to research to be presented Sunday, March 24 at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

First semi-identical twins identified in pregnancy

Young Brisbane twins, a boy and a girl, have been identified as only the second set of semi-identical, or sesquizygotic, twins in the world—and the first to be identified by doctors during pregnancy.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Considering using IVF to have a baby? Here's what you need to know

If it's not you, perhaps it's someone you know. You don't look infertile, you don't feel infertile, but after many months (or years) of trying to start a family, followed by several months of monitoring your cycle in a fertility ...

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