Medical research

Mutation may cause early loss of sperm supply

Brown University biologists have determined how the loss of a gene in male mice results in the premature exhaustion of their fertility. Their fundamental new insights into the complex process of sperm generation may have ...

Medical research

Optogenetics makes sterile mice fertile again

Scientists from the Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar) in Bonn, an Institute of the Max Planck Society, have succeeded for the first time in controlling the function of sperm by optogenetics. They inserted ...


Study confirms that sperm quality decreases with age

Conflicting evidence about the extent to which men's semen quality declines with age—likely lowering their fertility—is being cleared up by new University of Otago research that has collated and reviewed data from 90 ...

Medical research

A new angle on infertility

Scientists from the RIKEN BioResource Center in Tsukuba, Japan, have discovered that a single mutation in the beta-catenin gene, which codes a protein known to be deeply involved in a number of developmental and homeostatic ...

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