
The real red hot chili peppers

(HealthDay)—Variety is often called the spice of life. Now it turns out that an actual spice—chili peppers—may be the key to a longer one.


Don't let reflux ruin your Thanksgiving

(HealthDay)—Thanksgiving can be challenging if you suffer from heartburn, but there are a number of things you can do to have a more pleasant holiday, an expert says.


Eat spicy, live longer? Study says yes

Like a fiery finish to dinner? Then you'll be glad to know that a recent study suggests people who eat hot, spicy foods regularly may live longer.


Citizens help researchers to challenge scientific theory

Science crowdsourcing was used to disprove a widely held theory that "supertasters" owe their special sensitivity to bitter tastes to an usually high density of taste buds on their tongue, according to a study published in ...

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