Oncology & Cancer

A promising discovery in the fight against incurable cancers

Researchers from the Medway School of Pharmacy (MSOP)—a partnership between the universities of Kent and Greenwich—in collaboration with colleagues from Inselspital (University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland) and the University ...


Immune cells help protect brain health and cognition, finds study

Scientists have discovered that immune cells, known as microglia, help maintain the health of myelin—the insulating layer that forms around nerve cells—which is important for nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to ...

Medical research

Stem cells may help replace lost sensory neurons

Sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system, which sense touch, temperature, and pain, can be permanently lost during infections and trauma, in response to certain medications, and in diabetic patients with peripheral ...

Oncology & Cancer

A stem cell protein facilitates relapse of pediatric brain tumors

Medulloblastoma is the most common form of malignant brain tumor in children, which often can be cured with operation, radiation and chemotherapy. But a distinct type of medulloblastoma has an increased risk of becoming resistant ...


Strategies to generate neuronal diversity

The complexity and function of the nervous system relies on the generation of unparalleled neuronal diversity across molecular, morphological, functional and connectional features throughout developmental continuum. However, ...

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